My paintings are an attempt to visually communicate my experience of the natural world. My goal is to create paintings that are initially engaging and at the same time invite further contemplation. My hope is that viewing my paintings will encourage the audience to pay closer attention to a world that is an amazing interplay of relationships woven together by light. Nature is always near at hand, sometimes on a grand scale but more often revealing itself in more subtle ways. Taking time to quietly observe our surroundings and developing an ability to appreciate the complexity and wonder in nature can reveal, to quote the artist Fairfield Porter, the 'extraordinary in the ordinary.' In recent years my work has taken on a more conscious environmentalist stance. Many of the places I have painted have succumbed to development and what had been a rural and small town area is experiencing unbridled growth with negative impact on watersheds and quality of life in general. Perhaps in my own way I can help educate my audience to value the green world around them and preserve it as much as possible.